GPS Surveillance for Repeat Offenders

Eye in the Sky
by Donna M. Carbone

When my children were small, each morning began with complaints of “He’s looking at me. He’s looking at me.” 

My son, Michael, ever the nudge, would position a box of cereal between himself and his sister and pretend to read, while actually staring her in the face. Jessica would grow more and more annoyed as her attempts to push the box away failed, and the whining began. Now, in the context of satellite surveillance of sexual predators and domestic abusers, her words are music to my ears. “We’re looking at you. We’re looking at you.” 

The ravages of domestic abuse never fade. Forty years after my escape from a marriage that nearly took my life, the emotional scars are still visible. I’m good at playing the part of confident woman. Most days, the act doesn’t take much effort. Time has honed my performance skills.

In my recent past, however, going to the post office or grocery store alone was a major accomplishment. Leaving the house after dark – well, that’s a work in progress. Pumping gasoline is difficult because I feel exposed and vulnerable while waiting for the tank to fill. Seldom do I let the gauge go under the half way mark. “An ounce of prevention…,” as Ben Franklin advised us. Far too many abused women have learned the painful fact that a “cure” is rarely possible.

As if my exposure to domestic abuse wasn’t bad enough, five years ago my daughter was sexually assaulted. Her assailant is serving three life sentences but, as we all know, in the criminal justice system “life” does not necessarily mean until a convicted felon stops breathing. Needless to say, I am a major proponent of anything that will protect women and children from the very real possibility of death that is too often their fate.

Recently, I read with great interest about Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) used for tracking and monitoring violent offenders. According to an article on abuse, the total number of individuals being surveilled is nearly 10,000, yet only 23 states are using this technology. That means a lot of women and children are living in fear of their lives on a daily basis.

Since experts believe that parolees are less likely to assault another person when they know they are being tracked and since those same experts believe that a predilection toward rape and pedophilia is incurable, lifetime monitoring of repeat offenders should be the norm – not the exception – in all fifty states. 

According to a June 2010 report in the San Diego Tribune, the State of California spends an average of $60 million a year tracking more than 7,000 convicted sex offenders with GPS. Yet, over 31,000 alerts went unresolved in an area ranging from Los Angeles through San Bernardino County to the Mexican border.  $60 million! 31,000 alerts! How is that possible?

Research showed that not all GPS tracking and monitoring systems are alike. Different systems offer varying levels of protection and, depending on whom you are talking to, different interpretations of tracking and monitoring. Most companies that manufacture these systems advertise that their control centers are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Technically, that’s true. There is, however, a caveat not as readily offered.

Tracking merely allows probation officers to see where an offender was when a warning message was sent to their “In box” – not where that offender is at the present moment. An hour or more might pass before that warning is retrieved and, by then, the offender may already have committed another crime. 

Monitoring is done in “real time,” meaning an offender is never out of sight. 

In May of this year the California Legislature passed Kathy’s Law. It is named for Kathy Scabarth, who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend after he had continuously ignored the restraining orders against him. The bill allows judges to place GPS monitoring devices on abusers in conjunction with issuing a restraining order.

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports that many thousands of protective orders are issued every year and that more than half of them are violated. Three women are killed every day due to domestic violence in the United States. Every year, 1.5 million women are physically assaulted by a partner or spouse. Stalking affects 3.4 million adults annually in the U.S.

With Kathy’s Law, California women finally have a means to protect themselves. It’s not foolproof, but it’s a start. For far too long, family court judges have acted as though restraining orders were akin to a Kevlar vest. They’re not! They are made of paper and can’t stop a weapon… not a knife or a gun or even a fist. GPS gives women the chance to escape danger before it presents itself.

Florida is developing a pilot program similar to Kathy’s Law. I contacted Tallahassee for more details but was unable to get any definitive information. Let’s hope Florida legislators are as forward thinking as their California counterparts and that Florida women will soon have the same protections as their sisters on the West Coast.

Remember – any warning less than immediate – is 59 minutes too late!

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