Unite Women

The men and women who survive a sexual assault should be lauded in the press. Those who are determined to bring their attackers to justice are heroes. Do you know how much courage it takes for a victim to face her/his assailant in court? More than most people would need in a hundred lifetimes.

These brave survivors are on the front lines, fighting within the structure of the law and sending a powerful message to predators that they will not quiver in fear. Society should be obligated to applaud their efforts. We should award them medals. We should… we must sing their praises from the rooftops and do it in voices loud enough that rapists know we are coming for them.

Until we better educate society -- until we remove the stigma of shame associated with rape -- women and men brutalized by this crime will remain shivering in the shadows. Until we make “victim” a word to fear in the heart of every deviant, we will never reduce the incident of assault.

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